
Elections in 2024

This year is a big year for politics around the world, with a significant portion of the world’s population voting in elections. In size of electorate’ order, here are the 65 or so major elections (probably) taking place this year.1.

COUNTRY Population Type of Election Date/s Freedom & Fairness Index2
INDIA 1.44B Lok Sabha (House of the People) expected April - May 0.53
EUROPEAN UNION 448M (total 27 E.U. member states) European Parliament June 6-9 0.91 (avg 27 E.U. member states)
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 341M Presidency, Senate, and House of Representatives Nov. 5 0.83
INDONESIA 279M Presidency, Regional Representative Council, House of Representatives Feb. 14 0.68
PAKISTAN 243M National Assembly Feb. 8 0.30
BANGLADESH 174M National Parliament Jan. 7 0.16
RUSSIAN FEDERATION 144M Presidency March 15-17 0.25
MEXICO 129M Presidency, Senate, Chamber of Deputies June 2 0.75
IRAN (ISLAMIC REP. OF) 89.5M Islamic Consultative Assembly, Assembly of Experts March 1 0.32
UNITED KINGDOM 67.9M House of Commons expected in 2024,required by Jan. 28, 2025 0.93
SOUTH AFRICA 60.7M National Assembly expected May - August 0.72
REP. OF (SOUTH) KOREA 51.8M National Assembly April 10 0.95
ALGERIA 46M Presidency expected in December 0.29
UKRAINE 37.4M Presidency scheduled March 31 (may not occur due to martial law) 0.57
UZBEKISTAN 35.4M Legislative Chamber expected in October,due by December 0.33
GHANA 34.4M Presidency, Parliament Dec. 7 0.62
MOZAMBIQUE 34.4M Presidency, Assembly of the Republic Oct. 9 0.18
MADAGASCAR 30.7M National Assembly due by May 0.43
VENEZUELA, BOLIVARIAN REP. OF 29.1M Presidency expected in December 0.11
D.P.R.K. (NORTH KOREA) 26.2M Supreme People’s Assembly April 10 0.14
TAIWAN 23.9M Presidency, Legislative Yuan Jan. 13 0.94
SYRIAN ARAB REP, 23.8M People’s Assembly TBD 0.00
MALI 23.6M Presidency scheduled for February, junta postponed indefinitely for technical reasons” 0.00
SRI LANKA 21.9M Presidency, Parliament TBD 0.76
ROMANIA 19.7M Presidency, Senate, Chamber of Deputies expected November - December 0.86
CHAD 18.6M Presidency expected in October 0.00
SENEGAL 18.0M Presidency Feb. 25 0.75
CAMBODIA 17.0M Senate Feb. 25 0.14
RWANDA 14.3M Presidency, Chamber of Deputies July 15 0.37
TUNISIA 12.5M Presidency expected in autumn 0.02
BELGIUM 11.7M Chamber of Representatives June 9 0.97
DOMINICAN REP. 11.4M Presidency, Senate, Chamber of Deputies May 19 0.63
JORDAN 11.4M House of Representatives expected in November 0.49
SOUTH SUDAN 11.2M Presidency, National Legislature expected in December 0.00
CZECHIA [CZECH REP.] 10.5M Senate TBD 0.95
AZERBAIJAN 10.4M Presidency Feb. 7 0.08
PORTUGAL 10.2M Assembly of the Republic March 10 0.95
BELARUS 9.5M Chamber of Representatives Feb. 25 0.14
TOGO 9.2M National Assembly expected in early 2024 0.40
AUSTRIA 9.0M National Council expected on Sept. 29 0.93
EL SALVADOR 6.4M Presidency, Legislative Assembly Feb. 4 0.35
SLOVAKIA 5.7M Presidency TBD 0.93
FINLAND 5.5M Presidency Jan. 28 0.96
MAURITANIA 4.9M Presidency June 22 0.42
PANAMA 4.5M Presidency, National Assembly May 5 0.86
CROATIA 4.0M Presidency, Parliament presidential election expected in December; date of parl’y elections TBD 0.92
GEORGIA 3.7M Presidency, Parliament parliamentary elections on Oct. 26; date of presidential election TBD 0.59
MONGOLIA 3.5M State Great Khural expected in June 0.65
URUGUAY 3.4M Presidency, Senate, Chamber of Representatives Oct. 27 0.93
REP. OF MOLDOVA 3.4M Presidency expected in November 0.82
LITHUANIA 2.7M Presidency, Seimas presidential election on May 12; parliamentary elections on Oct. 13 0.89
BOTSWANA 2.7M National Assembly expected in October 0.58
NAMIBIA 2.6M Presidency, National Assembly TBD 0.65
GUINEA BISSAU 2.2M Presidency TBD 0.23
NORTH MACEDONIA 2.1M Presidency, Assembly presidential election on April 24; parliamentary elections on May 8 0.60
MAURITIUS 1.3M National Assembly TBD 0.57
COMOROS 0.86M Presidency Jan. 14 0.07
BHUTAN 0.79M National Assembly Jan. 9 0.85
SOLOMON ISLANDS 0.75M National Parliament expected in April 0.63
MALDIVES 0.52M People’s Majlis expected March - May 0.66
ICELAND 0.38M Presidency June 1 0.89
KIRIBATI 0.14M Presidency, House of Assembly TBD NA
SAN MARINO 0.03M Grand and General Council expected in December NA
PALAU 0.02M Presidency, Senate, House of Delegates Nov. 12 NA
TUVALU 0.01M Parliament Jan. 26 NA
Fig 1. Countries that have seen advances/retreats in various aspects of their democratic structures, 1980-2022. Source: GSOD (see below)

Figure 1 above illustrates the slowdown in democratic advances that has taken place over the last few years3; the line shows the number of countries where advances/declines in important elements of democratic states have been observed by Stockholm’s International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance. The start of the tendency towards democratic retreat seems to align with the financial crisis which started in 2007 (or perhaps it’s the iPhone which is responsible 😉), and to have become deeply ingrained after 2016, the start year of the Trump presidency the US.

Let’s hope that where people have the choice in this year’s elections around the world, they contribute to choosing governments that will make sure there are again more advances that declines, after all, democracy is the least bad form of government!4

The Ultimate Election Year: All the Elections Around the World in 2024 - Time

Can democracy survive 2024? - Financial Times

Democracy’s Super Bowl: 40 elections that will shape global politics in 2024 - The Guardian

The Global State of Democracy Initiative: GSOD

GSOD Report: Japan

Increase of populism’: Remember democratic’ does not necessarily imply liberal’…
Populism Map

Election Turnout

If you’re interested in voter turnout’ around the world, that is, how many people actually go and vote when given the opportunity, this might be useful:

Varieties of Democracy

The organisation that produces the Freedom and Fairness’ data in the elections table.

  1. Information collated from Time’ article: The Ultimate Election Year: All the Elections Around the World in 2024↩︎

  2. The Time article says this is based on data and assessment from the Varieties of Democracy organisation, which investigates how democracies around the world vary. If you’re interested in doing your own analysis, they provide a lot of data!↩︎

  3. Financial Times/G.S.O.D.↩︎

  4. See Quote Investigator for the confused origins’ of this idea.↩︎

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