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Media & Society: Assessment Sep 23, 2024 M&S There are four ‘Short Papers’ assigned for this course, you should choose three of them. Please do not submit all four, this will not gain you extra Media & Society: 01 Sep 16, 2024 M&S This week is just to introduce the course and to tell you about who I am. I will run you through what you can expect to learn during the course, how Media & Society: 02 Sep 15, 2024 M&S This session will be a very quick look at the history of the mass media; I choose to do this by looking at the developments in technology and how Media & Society: 03 Sep 14, 2024 M&S Why ‘Mass’? Communication models. “Producer-Text-Audience”. Contrasting the ‘dominant’ and ‘critical’ paradigms. Read the McQuail chapter, Media & Society: 04 Sep 13, 2024 M&S In this session we will look at different approaches to ‘production’ and ‘producers’ - that is, how we can understand the processes behind the Media & Society: 05 Sep 12, 2024 M&S This session looks at approaches to ‘Audiences’ and media ’consumption’by audiences. How do we define an audience? Does everyone involved think of Media & Society: 06 Sep 11, 2024 M&S Approaches to Texts and media products: Framing, semiotics. The assessment for this course requires you to write THREE short papers. There Media & Society: 07 Sep 10, 2024 M&S Newspapers are the oldest mass media and are thus the root of much of the ‘common sense’ of other media industries which developed later. Industry Media & Society: 08 Sep 9, 2024 M&S This session covers in greater depth some of the approaches to understanding and analysing the production of media content we have encountered Media & Society: 09 Sep 8, 2024 M&S This session covers some of the characteristic features of the newspaper industry and journalism in Japan. We particularly focus on the decline of Media & Society: 10 Sep 7, 2024 M&S This session outlines a variety of approaches to thinking about television and broadcasting, starting by looking at the organisations and bodies Media & Society: 11 Sep 6, 2024 M&S Introducing a ‘cultural studies’ approach to television texts: Stuart Hall’s ‘Encoding/Decoding’ paper. This session is based on this seminal, but Media & Society: 12 Sep 5, 2024 M&S This session looks at the features of the broadcast system in Japan, illustrating the variety of factors that we have to take into account when Media & Society: 13 Sep 4, 2024 M&S New media, new politics? How has the arrival of ‘social media’ changed political communication and reporting? Download slides - PDF Media & Society: 14 Sep 3, 2024 M&S New challenges to state power over ‘mass’ media: Fake news, social media, censorship and governmental control. If you are intending to submit SP4 Media & Society: 15 Sep 2, 2024 M&S We’ll use the final session to answer any remaining questions you might have — either about the things we’ve covered or assessment — and to recap