
Media & Society: 08

Newspapers: 2

Some advice for avoiding dodgy informationSome advice for avoiding dodgy information

This session covers in greater depth some of the approaches to understanding and analysing the production of media content we have encountered before. We’ll look at the idea of gatekeeping’, why the idea of bias’ is a tricky one, and the concept of news values;.


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Chapter 7 from Hodkinson, P. (2017) Media, Culture and Society. SAGE, Los Angeles, London, New Delhi.

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Other material

News Values List

Harcup and O’Neill paper - download

Galtung and Ruge paper - download

Manning White, Mr Gates’ paper - download

If you’re interested in the importance of regulations like the Fairness Doctrine’ - or the clauses in Japan’s Broadcast Law that play a similar role - maybe this will be worth reading.

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