Can ‘they’ ever understand ‘us’?
How would you describe your identity, and how do you think ‘culture’ affects it/you? Think back to what you wrote at the start of the semester, have your views changed , if so why, if not, why not?
Submit on manaba as usual. Deadline is last day of the semester (17 Jan)
NB. I know the slides say ‘CAC13’ but these are the correct one for this week.
SPKB 07/01/25
Burgess, C. (2004) Maintaining identities: Discourses of homogeneity in a rapidly globalizing Japan. electronic journal of contemporary Japanese studies.
BBC podcast on the idea of “Cultural Imperialism”
(Dale, 1986) (Henshall, 1999) (Sugimoto, 1999) (Kashima et al., 1995) (Nakamura, 1992)