Media & Society: Assessment There are four ‘Short Papers’ assigned for this course, you should choose three of them. Please do not submit all four, this will not gain you extra Sep 23, 2024 M&S
Media & Society: Assessment Sep 23, 2024 M&S There are four ‘Short Papers’ assigned for this course, you should choose three of them. Please do not submit all four, this will not gain you extra CAC 1 Sep 23, 2024 CAC Who am I? Who are you? What is this course about? What is it not about? Nothing to prepare for the first week. Before the class ends, here will be a CAC: Assessment Sep 23, 2024 CAC Assessment for this course is made up of two main parts; a final essay (70% of the final grade), and four (more personal) ‘reflection papers’ (20%). CAC 2 Sep 22, 2024 CAC This session looks at the birth of studies of ‘Cross/Intercultural Communication’. E.T. Hall and the Foreign Service Institute. “The Silent CAC 3 Sep 21, 2024 CAC Changing conceptions of the notion of ‘culture’. How did we get to where we are now? Culture as ‘growth’, culture as a ‘standard’, the emergence of CAC 4 Sep 20, 2024 CAC Postwar thinking on ‘culture’, the culture onion. Norms, values and beliefs. Cultural relativism and complexity. Download slides - PDF Dahl, S. CAC 5 Sep 19, 2024 CAC Quantitative approaches, survey methodology. The influence of Hofstede and Trompenaars. Read the McSweeney paper below Look through the slides CAC 6 Sep 18, 2024 CAC This week we take a look at how academics, and others, have tried to find ways to identify and discuss some sort of ‘proxy’ for ‘cultural’ CAC 7 Sep 17, 2024 CAC The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, languages and perception, national languages. Leave a comment on the manaba forum telling us about useful words and Media & Society: 01 Sep 16, 2024 M&S This week is just to introduce the course and to tell you about who I am. I will run you through what you can expect to learn during the course, how CAC 8 Sep 16, 2024 CAC This session introduces some basic approaches and findings from the field of ‘Sociolinguistics’: how societies and social groups use language to Media & Society: 02 Sep 15, 2024 M&S This session will be a very quick look at the history of the mass media; I choose to do this by looking at the developments in technology and how CAC 9 Sep 15, 2024 CAC Facial expressions, proxemics, gesture and ‘paralanguage’ as bearers of social meaning. As usual, check out the materials. Leave a comment in the Media & Society: 03 Sep 14, 2024 M&S Why ‘Mass’? Communication models. “Producer-Text-Audience”. Contrasting the ‘dominant’ and ‘critical’ paradigms. Read the McQuail chapter, CAC 10 Sep 14, 2024 CAC Feedback and discussion of essay topics
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