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Media & Society: 04 Sep 13, 2024 M&S In this session we will look at different approaches to ‘production’ and ‘producers’ - that is, how we can understand the processes behind the CAC 11 Sep 13, 2024 CAC What is ‘time’? What do human beings around the world think about time? Do we all agree on how time works? Also a brief look at ‘Chronemics’ and Media & Society: 05 Sep 12, 2024 M&S This session looks at approaches to ‘Audiences’ and media ’consumption’by audiences. How do we define an audience? Does everyone involved think of Media & Society: 06 Sep 11, 2024 M&S Approaches to Texts and media products: Framing, semiotics. The assessment for this course requires you to write THREE short papers. There CAC 12 Sep 11, 2024 CAC Proxemics. The culture and conceptions of position and direction. Language and space. Read the reading, Brown and Levinson 1993 look through the Media & Society: 07 Sep 10, 2024 M&S Newspapers are the oldest mass media and are thus the root of much of the ‘common sense’ of other media industries which developed later. Industry CAC 13 Sep 10, 2024 CAC read the reading look through the slides Download slides - PDF ‘Transition Shock’ in Bennett, M. J. (1998). Basic concepts of intercultural Media & Society: 08 Sep 9, 2024 M&S This session covers in greater depth some of the approaches to understanding and analysing the production of media content we have encountered CAC 14 Sep 9, 2024 CAC Read the reading Check out the slides. Prepare to hand in “Reflection Paper 4” Get ready to hand in that final essay - feel free to get in touch by Media & Society: 09 Sep 8, 2024 M&S This session covers some of the characteristic features of the newspaper industry and journalism in Japan. We particularly focus on the decline of CAC 15 Sep 8, 2024 CAC Awareness of multiplicity of ‘identity’ Freedoms and constraints in identity choice Distinguish personal and social identity Introduction to Media & Society: 10 Sep 7, 2024 M&S This session outlines a variety of approaches to thinking about television and broadcasting, starting by looking at the organisations and bodies Media & Society: 11 Sep 6, 2024 M&S Introducing a ‘cultural studies’ approach to television texts: Stuart Hall’s ‘Encoding/Decoding’ paper. This session is based on this seminal, but Media & Society: 12 Sep 5, 2024 M&S This session looks at the features of the broadcast system in Japan, illustrating the variety of factors that we have to take into account when Media & Society: 13 Sep 4, 2024 M&S New media, new politics? How has the arrival of ‘social media’ changed political communication and reporting? Download slides - PDF Next page