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A short story to think about... May 15, 2020 Writing Jorge Luis Borges I am a woodcutter. My name does not matter. The hut where I was born and where I shall probably soon die stands at the edge of 'Book: "The Internationalists" - War & Law' May 8, 2020 Reading I have just finished this book, it has been a very interesting and enlightening read, especially for someone who knows very little about Portayals of Social Distancing May 5, 2020 News This article shows some example of how photographs can distort our impressions of space, important at a time when ‘social distancing’ is a matter of COVID-19 and the Press May 3, 2020 News The events around COVID-19 are affecting how the press carries out its work around the world. More evidence is gathering that states are using "All Watched over by Machines of Loving Grace" Dec 1, 2019 Writing & Poetry All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace (TV series) All Watched Over By Machines Of Loving Grace by Richard Brautigan I like to think (and the Kyoto's Radio Towers Sep 1, 2019 Research Radio tower in Funaoka Park, Kyoto This paper introduces Kyoto’s ‘radio towers’, a largely forgotten element of Japan’s early mass media history 'Camera Angles: Designed to communicate?' Oct 15, 2015 Research This chapter uses the ‘camera angle’ semiotic resource to investigate the difficulties inherent in the academic analysis of television news images. "Digital Watershed: Japanese TV's Digital Switchover" Nov 24, 2013 Research The switch to digital terrestrial broadcasting on 24 July 2011 marked a watershed for the broadcasting industry in Japan. Digitalisation is the Social Distance: News in the UK and Japan Feb 23, 2010 Research The potential of the camera framing, or shot-size, semiotic resource to encode meanings related to social distance has been recognized for some Visual Semiotics of News Images in Japan and the UK Sep 9, 2009 Research Although application of theories of visual semiosis, meaning-making and meaning-sharing through pictures, is usually restricted to small-scale